Where are Our Family Memories?

The survey, conducted among over 250 parents of kids under age 10 who share photos/video with family and friends, reveals that three quarters (75%) of these parents save photos and videos of their children in multiple locations, more than half (52%) say they have not done anything with the tons of photos/videos they have of their children to preserve them for the future and 44% say they sometimes have trouble locating photos and videos of their children because they can’t remember where the files are saved. Even more worrisome is the fact that nearly half (47%) of these parents say they have not really thought about how they will share the photos and videos they have of their children with them when they are older. ldren in multiple locations, more than half (52%) say they have not done anything with the tons of photos/videos they have of their children to preserve them for the future and 44% say they sometimes have trouble locating photos and videos of their children because they can’t remember where the files are saved. Even more worrisome is the fact that nearly half (47%) of these parents say they have not really thought about how they will share the photos and videos they have of their children with them when they are older.   –

whereTags: #familybloggers #parenting #mombloggers #mom’sdigitalmediausage #motherhood #photoalbum #photoapp #kids #memories #cloudstorage

#vhstodigital #hi8todigital #video8todigital #digitalconversion #digitaltransfer #betatodigital #minidvtodigital  #photoscanning #slides #ScanDigital

— at City of Halifax.

Source:https://medi…b3d1618596 – See more at: http://visual.ly/where-are-our-family-memories?utm_source=visually_embed#sthash.1OEAwz8y.dpuf


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