Top 10 reasons to transfer your family video and photographs

There are so many reasons to transfer your family’s videos and images from their current deteriorating format into the long-lasting digital format of a DVD.  Below are our top 10 reasons for saving your memories today.

1.  Unique and meaningful gifts One of the most unique and heartfelt gifts we know is a DVD with special family memories.  Rather than take a chance on giving a friend or family member another tie or toaster, try giving them something they could not buy for themselves – access to a special memory that they had forgotten about.

2.  Preserve your family’s story for your children and their children Your family’s story is unique.  And this story has been captured in videos, film and images (like photographs and slides).  Preserve your family’s story for your children, and their children.

3.  Stop your memories from further deteriorating No matter where you store your videos, film or images – they are slowly deteriorating.  If they happen to be stored someplace hot, like an attic, they may be deteriorating more quickly.   Take a few moments to gather up your family memories and ship them off to MemoryHub to be preserved.

4.  Enjoy your memories everyday When your memories are squirrelled away in boxes in the attic or garage or some closet, you are missing out on enjoying those memories.  As we say at Memories in a Flash, when you convert your memories to DVD, it’s like “uncorking a bottle of champagne.”

5.  Help with genealogical research We are so pleased when we hear that our customers use our services to advance their genealogical projects.  As families document the histories of their families – making use, for example, of wonderful sites like – they love being able to incorporate images and memories of the past!

6.  Solve the problem of no longer having working devices to play the memories So often we hear from families who are frustrated to discover that, in order to play their memories originally stored in analog format, like VHS, they need a working VHS player to enjoy them.  By converting your memories to a digital format on a DVD, you can enjoy your memories without worrying about whether your old devices still work.

7.  Present to yourself – choose a meaningful memory to preserve While quite a few of our customers convert family memories in order to give gifts to others, we also have thousands of customers who preserve their memories for … themselves.  We love hearing from moms and dads who’ve chosen to celebrate a birthday or anniversary or a promotion by giving themselves the gift of a DVD that preserves a special moment.

8.  Get organized – everything in boxes all over the place If you are like most people, you have your memories stored in a variety of locations around the house – in a bedroom closet, in a cardboard box in the attic, or in a plastic container in the back of the garage.  Or, if you are like most people, you aren’t exactly sure where everything is!  We have hundreds of customers who find great personal satisfaction in digging up all of their memories and bringing them off to us, so that their unwieldy collection of memories can be stored in a series of nicely labeled and organized DVDs.

9.  Take full advantage of new technology As computers (including tablets) and televisions have become more advanced, they have become wonderful showcases for memories.  If you have a new large screen computer or tablet or advanced television set up (like an Apple TV), you have the perfect showcase for your memories.

10.  Great family project Finally, every year we get a few cards and notes from families who tell us how grateful they are to Memories in a Flash for facilitating a very meaningful family project.   These families let us know that the entire family pitched in to collect all of their videos and images and brought them off to usPromo for preservation on DVDs.  But the real fun began when they instituted a regular “family movie night” in which they gathered together to relive the wonderful memories of their family.

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