Whenever I have the chance, I tell people to preserve their precious moments. Not only so they last forever, but also to be able to share them with younger generations allowing them the opportunity to see where they come from.
Let me be the one who makes them last forever.
It will be my pleasure and honor to help.
Thanks to new technology we can convert old Photos, documents, audio tapes, vinyl records, camcorder tapes anything you want to digital copies. This makes it easier to preserve and share them with family and friends.
But most important your memories will stay forever unchanged. In addition, you will be able to reduce clutter while archiving and storing the originals for safekeeping.
For over fourteen years, we have been delivering quality products at an affordable price to valued Nova Scotian clients as well as local business. Some examples include Greco Pizza, the IWK Foundation, local Government institutions like Special Olympics Nova Scotia as well as the Federal Government - Department of Fisheries and Oceans (MCI) Department among others.
Your privacy is important to us and your information and materials will remain highly confidential.
They will only be used for the purposes of creating your product and
we will not disclose your information and/or materials to a third party.